Why Is Sweden Shifting Towards Right-wing Israel

Op-ed in Haaretz (27/9 2023)


Svårigheten med att beskriva verkligheten

Skriver på Expressen kultur idag om IP-konflikten 9/7 2023



”USA behöver hjälp från Saudiarabien”

Op-ed i SvD 13/7

USA behöver nu saudiernas hjälp för att vinna ett nytt kallt krig mot Ryssland och Kina. Därför trumfar realpolitik mänskliga rättigheter när Joe Biden reser till Mellanöstern, skriver statsvetare Anders Persson.


Förintelsekonferensens definition av antisemitism är ett hot mot yttrandefriheten

Op-ed i Mänsklig Säkerhet, 12/10


IHRA risks becoming the greatest threat to freedom of speech since the Mohammed cartoons

New op-ed in Times of Israel, 6 October


Kriget mot terrorismen är över men såren finns kvar

Artikel i Mänsklig Säkerhet (9/9)


”Strategiskt riktigt att lämna Afghanistan”

Debattartikel i SvD 1/9



Beware of the authoritarian peace Trump is making in the Middle East

Op-ed in Times of Israel, 29 October, 2020.


Why has the EU been so obsessed with the Israeli-Arab conflict  

Op-ed in Times of Israel, 9 August 2020.


Stalled Israeli annexation is a win for the world

Annektering ändrar spelplanen i Mellanöstern

Op-ed i Mänsklig säkerhet, 28 maj 2020 


Annexation will be a game-changer for Europe’s role in the Middle East

My yearly review of the status of Israel's democracy

Does Netanyahu Really Believe in Democracy? Global Freedom Experts Aren't Sure

Op-ed in Haaretz, 29 March 2020



Förintelsekonferens kan göra mer skada än nytta

My yearly review of the status of Israel's democracy

Battling With Tunisia, Better Than Poland: How Israel's Democracy Measures Up

Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ could become a new Sykes-Picot for the Middle East

Op-ed in Times of Israel, 16 May 2019.


BDS-rörelsen ett hot mot Israels demokrati

Op-ed i Mänsklig säkerhet, 7 februari 2019



Israel’s Crusade Against BDS Comes at the Cost of Its Own Democracy

Op-ed in Haaretz, 20 December 2018


Problematiskt att slopa stöd till Palestina 

Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 11 november 2018


My yearly review of the status of Israel's democracy 

Forget BDS, Losing its Liberal Democracy is Real Threat against Israel

Op-ed in The Jerusalem Post, 4 August 2018


What will Trump's 'ultimate deal' mean for Palestinians?”

Op-ed in Al-Jazeera English, 28 March 2018.


If not now, when should Europe recognise Palestine?

Op-ed in Al-Jazeera English, 21 February 2018.


Why There's No Chance Europe Will Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Op-ed in Haaretz, 25 January 2018.


Why Europe holds unique normative power in the Israeli-Palestine conflict

London School of Economics' EUROPP blog, 12 September 2017.


Persson, Anders (2017). ”Why Europe holds unique normative power in the Israeli-Palestine conflict”, London School of Economics' EUROPP blog, 12 September 2017.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Kan Trump lösa Israel–Palestina-konflikten?”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 20 maj 2017.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Sverige kan lära sig av Israels erfarenheter”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 11 april 2017.

Persson, Anders (2017). ”Margot Wallström är inte antisemit”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 12 januari 2017.

Persson, Anders (2015). “The EU Is Disengaging From the Settlements, Not From Israel”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 12 November 2015.

Persson, Anders (2015). “The Historical Case for Europe to Recognize Palestine”, Op-ed in Huffington Post, 20 February 2015.

Persson, Anders (2015). ”What Europe can do for Israeli-Palestinian ties that the U.S. can't”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 4 February 2015.

Persson, Anders (2014). ”IS terror riskerar överträffa allt vi sett”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 3 oktober 2014.

Persson, Anders (2014). ”Därför sprack Osloavtalet”, Internationella studier, nr 2 2014

Persson, Anders & Behravesh, Maysam (2013). “Why Israel Won’t Abide Any Iran Nuclear Accord”, Op-ed in Foreign Policy in Focus, Iran Review and Asharq Al Awsat (Persian), Various dates in December 2013.

Persson, Anders (2013). ”Konflikt om långt mer än kärnvapen” Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 27 November 2013.

Persson, Anders (2013). ”EU's New Settlements Guidelines Are Already Biting/EU-klarspråk om bosättningar”, Op-ed in European Voice, Maan, Huffington Post and SvD Debatt, Various dates in October 2013.

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